Digital Health

HIMSS24 Europe in Rome Makes Global Headlines

Entry of HIMSS24 Europe in Rome

The 2024 HIMSS European Health Conference and Exhibition was a landmark event for the European digital health community, bringing together approximately 2,500 healthcare executives, practitioners and professionals from 84 different countries at the iconic Centro Congressi La Nuvola in Rome.  

The conference, held from May 29-31, showcased the latest advancements in healthcare technology and provided a platform for critical discussions on the future of digital health in Europe and worldwide. 

One of the key highlights was the emphasis of digital health solutions and new health policies within Europe. The conference featured sessions and workshops that explored topics such as artificial intelligence in healthcare, telemedicine, and the integration of electronic health records. 
Journalists from around the world took notice of the conference’s major trends and topics, with dozens of in-depth stories being published in Italy, across Europe, and in both the Americas and Asia-Pacific. Highlights of the media coverage from HIMSSEU24 are shared below.  

One of Italy’s largest newspapers, La Repubblica, reported on the growing importance of digital health technology in modern healthcare systems.  

RAI News provided video coverage of the conference’s esteemed guests, Italy’s Minister of Health of the Government Orazio Schillaci and the incumbent Mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri. 

The Il Quotidiano del Lazio article noted Italy’s initiatives to adopt HIMSS digital maturity models, specifically EMRAM and INFRAM.   

HIMSS24 Europe addressed the region’s strategic initiatives in digital health, including the AI Act and the European Health Data Space, which aim to position Europe as a leader in digital health. Tagesspiegel, one of Germany’s largest daily newspapers, interviewed HIMSS CEO and President Hal Wolf, who highlighted these initiatives, underscoring their potential to drive significant advancements in healthcare technology and policy. Tagesspiegel also published stories on combatting workforce shortages as well as the Nordic Health 2030 campaign. 

The global reach of the conference was further highlighted in articles from leading Korean media outlets ET News and Korea Biomedical Review. The top Irish tech publication, Silicon Republic, featured winners of the HIMSS Startup Pitchfest, and one of Europe’s top healthcare podcasts, Faces of Digital Health, published an episode on the highlights of the conference. 

The HIMSS24 Europe set the stage for future advancements in digital health in the region and will again as the 2025 HIMSS European Health Conference & Exhibition will take place in Paris, France, from 10-12 June 2025, at the world-famous venue, Palais de Congrès.  

As the conference came to a close, HIMSS President and CEO Hal Wolf spoke with Healthcare IT News, about next year’s HIMSS25 Europe in Paris and what to expect. 

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